Barrhaven Music Academy

Why Choose BMA ?

Meet Our Team

We are a team of dedicated professionals ready to do what it takes to ensure you fall in love with the art of music.

Please click on the pictures to read about the credentials and experience of our teachers!

Nadia Zaid
Owner, Piano, Vocal, & Theory

2900 Woodroffe Avenue

Ottawa, Ontario, K2J 4G3


Private, one-on-one lessons in a variety of disciplines with professional and highly skilled multi-instrumentalist educators and RCM specialists.

Teachers are dedicated, passionate, accountable and punctual and ensure that every half hour consists of review and new challenges for their students. Every BMA staff member and substitute teacher are required to pass a Level 3 Vulnerability Police Sector Check.

BMA policies are flexible and fair with required monthly commitment only. Administrators are dedicated to emailing you multiple make up lesson options for when you are too busy or ill to attend, with fair and flexible deadlines. We are organized and dedicated to serving you.

The majority of our piano teachers are trained in the RCM program themselves and have access to resource binders and training guides to ensure that all students are receiving quality and diverse lessons by teachers who are always learning and developing.

We have 3 high quality Yamaha uprights, a beautiful Young Chang upright, a weighted Kuwai ES6 and Korg digital pianos for band rehearsals and shows, and 2 Bergmann baby grand pianos. Studios are equipped with eco-friendly Audimute acoustical panels to reduce reflected sound and dampen echo and reverberation.

Performance opportunities for all students, including our biannual concerts in December and June at a 300+ seat auditorium with a high quality grand piano and professional sound system as well as our band showcases at The Heart and Crown in Barrhaven.

Our popular Tuneful Tots Early Music Education Program, designed by early education teaching professionals for young students aged 3 to 5.

The BMA Junior Vocal Group, Barrhaven's only group for students aged 9 to 12, built to enhance their vocal techniques, performance skills, musical ear and become better singers overall at a very affordable flat monthly rate.

The BMA Primary Vocal Group, for young aspiring singers ages 6 to 8, designed to improve language and verbal skills, improve memory and instil a love for singing and learning at a very affordable flat monthly rate.

The BMA Band Program, for a variety of levels and ages, built to improve technical skill, ability to keep tempo and play accurate rhythms in a variety of styles, develop improvisational and soloing skills as well as stage presence and being an effective team player. Not to mention, all bands are coached on how to write their own originals.

Our vision for all students - young and mature, beginner through advanced - is to learn, create and innovate through the gift of music. Anyone and everyone is welcome to the BMA family!

To register for lessons give us a call at 613-459-6027 or send an email to

Jenna Kayed
Vocal, Guitar, Ukulele & Theory

Sarah-Kate Ruddock
Voice & Theory

Howard Jian
Drums, Piano & Theory

Mindy Maier
Piano & Theory

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Rhea Chopra
Piano & Theory

Alex Su
Piano & Theory

Ilona Lityahina
Violin, Piano & Theory

Owen Currie
Guitar, Bass & Ukulele

Deborah Dawit
Piano & Theory

Michael Wang
Piano & Theory

Sarah Rehmani
Piano & Theory

Cynthia Wang
Piano & Theory

Sterling Wagner
Piano & Theory

Cassidy Hon
Piano & Theory

Zoey Liu
Piano & Theory

Kevin Lippert


Guitar, Bass, Ukulele &          Band Coach

Richelle Ly
Piano, & Theory

Somya Prashar
Piano & Theory

Somya BMA

       Nivetha Vijay
Piano, Vocal & Theory

Ethan Chen
Piano & Theory

Rohan Deshpande
Guitar & Bass

  Emily Love
Piano & Theory

Nicole Sun
Piano & Theory

Lisa Guo
Piano & Theory

Nisheda Vijay
Piano, Voice & Theory

Rafael Pineda
Guitar, Bass, Drums & Ukulele

Blake Dunford
Guitar, Bass & Ukulele

Olivia Sinha
Piano, Vocal & Theory

Anetta Liyahina
Piano, Vocal & Theory